
从2005年创立至今,Bosch Sensortec实现飞跃式发展,迅速在消费类MEMS传感器市场取得领导地位,并成为全球领先的MEMS传感器和解决方案供应商。该解决方案是全球智能手机、可穿戴、物联网等市场兴起并成功的关键技术。

如今,在约全球四分之三的智能手机中均使用Bosch Sensortec的传感器。Bosch Sensortec隶属博世集团,是全球领先的MEMS传感器供应商,拥有20年MEMS批量生产经验,持续致力于更小封装、更高集成、更高智能、更低耗电的极限突破和新型传感种类的开发。得益于Bosch Sensortec的成功,75%的博世MEMS传感器均用于消费电子产品当中。

此次Bosch Sensortec再度举办科技论坛会,与您分享产业趋势及技术发展。机会难得,不容错过!



Time Content Spokesperson
13:00 – 13:30 签到 Registration
13:30 – 13:40 开场 Opening Bosch Sensortec
总裁 Stefan Finkbeiner
13:40 – 14:00 物联网时代下MEMS传感器产业发展机遇
MEMS&Sensor Industry Opportunities in IoT Er
曹明霞 Jessica Cao
14:00 – 14:30 博世引领传感器解决方案创新
MEMS solution revolution – Bosch Sensortec strategy
Bosch Sensortec
亚太区总裁 Leopold Beer
14:30 – 15:00 茶歇/样品展示
Coffee break & demo show
15:00 – 16:00 新一代MEMS解决方案之技术挑战
Technological challenges for next generation's MEMS solutions
Bosch Sensortec
传感技术应用高级经理 Peter Moeller
16:00 – 16:20 MEMS 麦克风科技与相关应用
MEMS technology in microphone and relevant applications
产品经理 Danny Gangapersaud
16:20 – 16:40 Q&A
16:40 – 17:10 样品展示 demo show
17:10 – 17:30 抽奖 Lucky draw


  • 主办单位:Bosch
  • 承办单位:DIGITIMES
  • 时 间:2015年10月20日,星期二,13:00~17:00
  • 地 点:深圳威尼斯酒店 大宴會廳I (深圳市 南山区 深南大道9026号)
  • 参加方式:免费活动(请携带名片2张)
  • 线上报名:请于活动官网点选【线上报名
  • 传真报名:86-21-61273905
  • 洽询专线:86-21-61273902 分机800,舒小姐
  • 注意事項:
    1. 本活动报名截止日为10月14日(周三)。主办单位将视报名状况提前或延后在线报名时间。若报名者不克参加,可指派其他人选参加并通知主办单位。
    2. 请于活动报到时间进行报到,未能准时报到或当天无法出席之学员,本活动无法为您保留讲义及座位。
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    4. 若因不可预测之突发因素,主办单位得保留研讨会课程及讲师之变更权利。
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Bosch Sensortec GmbH是罗伯特·博世有限责任公司(Robert Bosch GmbH)的全资子公司,为消费类电子产品提供范围广泛的微电子机械(MEMS)传感器,使移动设备可以感知周围世界。Bosch Sensortec为智能手机、平板电脑、佩戴式装置或物联网应用开发并销售范围广泛的MEMS传感器与解决方案。Bosch Sensortec为智能手机、平板电脑、可穿戴设备和物联网应用程序发展和开拓了广泛的MEMS传感器解决方案。

产品组合包括3轴加速度计、陀螺仪和地磁传感器、集成6和9轴与环境传感器,以及全面的软件组合。自2005年成立起,Bosch Sensortec已成为上述市场的技术领先企业。博世集团自1998年至今一直是全球领先的传感器供应商,所生产的MEMS传感器数量已超过50亿。




博世集团是世界领先的技术及服务供应商。博世集团约360,000名员工(截至2015年4月1日)在 2014财政年度创造了490亿欧元的销售业绩*。博世业务划分为4个业务领域,涵盖汽车与智能交通技术、工业技术、消费品以及能源与建筑技术领域。集团包括罗伯特·博世有限公司及其遍布约 60个国家的 440家分公司和区域性公司。如果将其销售和服务伙伴计算在内,博世的业务遍及约150个国家。这一全球性的研发、生产和销售网络为其进一步发展奠定了基础。2014年,博世在世界范围内申请了约 4,600项专利。通过其产品和服务,博世为人们提供创新有益的解决方案,从而提高他们的生活质量,以创新科技在世界范围内践行“科技成就生活之美”的承诺。





Leopold Beer

Bosch Sensortec

Leopold Beer graduated at the University of Stuttgart with a diploma in physics.

As he specialized in semiconductor physics, he started his professional career as an engineer in the DRAM plant of Siemens Semiconductors in Regensburg /Germany in 1994. In 1997 he was assigned as head of the Electrical Failure Analysis Group of Siemens Semiconductors in Porto/Portugal. After the spin-off of Infineon from the Siemens Group, Leopold held various managerial In 2002 Leopold joined FCI Automotive as Market Segment Manager. Leopold entered Bosch Sensortec shortly after its foundation in 2006 as Sales Director and later became Head of Global Marketing and Product Planning. Since March 2013 he holds the position of Regional President for Asia Pacific and is based in Shanghai/China.

Jérémie Bouchaud


Jérémie Bouchaud is unique to the MEMS & sensors industry – his breadth of MEMS device and application knowledge is unmatched, particularly in terms of automotive, consumer markets and RF MEMS. He was a founder and head of MEMS research for Wicht Technologie Consulting. At IHS, Jérémie is responsible for the MEMS service area.

The success of WTC was due to a large degree to the MEMS research which Jérémie developed. In the course of his career, he has led more than 100 MEMS-related market research endeavors. Prior to WTC, he oversaw technology transfer for sensors and MEMS at the German office of CEA-LETI.

Jérémie is a graduate of the Munich University of Applied Sciences and of Ecole Supérieur de Commerce of Grenoble. He speaks German, English and French.

Peter Moeller

Bosch Sensortec

Peter Moeller is Senior Manager at Bosch Sensortec leading the customer and field application. He graduated from the University of Karlsruhe in Germany with a master degree in electronics and telecommunication. He then started his professional career at Bosch Telecom as a Project Manager for embedded Software development for 5 years. After moving to Micronas Peter was responsible for the development of MPEG audio reference designs and PC multimedia integration. In 2006 Peter joined Bosch Sensortec where he started to build up the customer application and field application actives leveraging Bosch Sensortec to a highly recognized partner of Bosch Sensortec’s key customers

Danny Gangapersaud


Danny Gangapersaud is the Tehcnical Marketing Manager for Akustica - a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bosch Group.

Akustica is a top supplier of micro-electromechanical(MEMS) microphone products that are improving voice-input quality in a host of voice-enabled applications, from mobile phones, laptops, and tablets to small wearable accessories like headsets.

Mr. Gangapersaud has more than 17 years of semiconductor and audio applications experience. Prior to joining Akustica, he held engineering and sales management roles in both consumer acoustic components and automotive audio/infotainments systems at AAC and NEC Electronics America respectively.

Mr. Gangapersaud earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering from DeVry University, and an MBA in International Business from LeTourneau University.



MEMS solution revolution – Bosch Sensortec strategy

Leopold Beer

Leopold will provide a brief overview on MEMS sensor evolution to today’s stage.

Based on market, application and customer requirements evolution, Leopold will provide a projection Towards next generation sensor solutions. As there are fundamental changes ahead of us, Leopold will put some emphasis on the strategic implications for Sensor Solution Integrators (OEM & ODM) as well as for the sensor solution suppliers.

Sensors in handsets, tablets, wearables: navigating applications & value chain

Jérémie Bouchaud

In this presentation, the speaker will first review the MEMS market and take a closer look on the key driving applications: smart phones today, wearable electronics tomorrow as one building block of the Internet of Things era …

Then, the speaker will talk about the future MEMS industry game changers, the new technical innovations adopted by players, and the MEMS industry value transferring phase from the silicon to the final solution which impacts the global ecosystem.

The speech will conclude by sharing the vision of the MEMS industry: an industry that will generally evolve in four stages over the next 25 years.

Guidelines for developers of mobile devices and IoT – Optimizing sensor systems

Peter Moeller

In this presentation, the speaker will give first an introduction on key areas to be considered for successful design-in of MEMS based solutions into mobile devices as well as IoT applications.

Then, the speaker will provide insights of sensor specific hardware topics, system partitioning and the key success factors for system design.

He will conclude his presentation by sharing his knowledge on upcoming trends for sensor systems

Innovations in MEMS Microphones – Optimizing Audio Input Solutions

Danny Gangapersaud

According to IHS, the MEMS microphone market will exceed 5 Billion units by 2017. The strong growth is driven by an increasing number of MEMS microphone in handsets, and new applications like wearables and IoTs (Internet of Things). To achieve better audio input for improved noise suppression and speech recognition accuracy, many OEMs are turning to well matched, high performance MEMS microphones. MEMS microphones can also solve the new acoustic challenges faced by OEMs manufacturing space-constrained, battery-operated devices that require size-optimized, low-power microphones that still maintain high acoustic performance. This session will present how Akustica’s innovative MEMS microphones portfolio addresses these requirements to provide a rich end-user experience.



深圳威尼斯酒店 大宴會廳I (深圳市 南山区 深南大道9026号)