
伴隨全球家庭連網產業蓬勃發展趨勢,智慧家庭數位內容服務對於優質的連網技術之需求日益增高,G.hn是最被看好的下世代智慧家庭連網技術;ITU-T G.hn標準整合有線技術(電力線、電話網、同軸電纜線),創造優質之家庭寬頻上網基礎環境,加速影音應用普及,在數位家庭網通環境中,許多令人振奮的嶄新應用,正等著由它來啓動。

對於亟思尋求建立數位家庭網路的服務供應商而言, G.hn 以其能夠透過住宅中任何網路接頭或連結點完美無縫傳輸資訊的功能,正可扮演數位家庭高品質傳輸網路骨幹的角色,為服務商帶來豐沛的商機。

G.hn全球推動組織家用網格論壇(HomeGrid Forum)繼2012年宣佈全球晶片的認證計畫後,今(2013)年HGF主席Mr. John Egan親自來台發表最新G.hn技術發展與系統、產品認證規格外,並以智慧家庭情境模擬展示,展現G.hn 實現跨越任何線路,任何空間限制的優雅境界與各項令人興奮的應用體驗。

家用網格論壇的系列活動將於6月5日(週三)上午10點至下午5點假台北國際會議中心4樓貴賓廳舉行。想要對於G.hn之應用趨勢有更完整且深入的認識;想要掌握智慧聯網相關技術及標準發展現況,搶先佈局,開創產業新契機;HomeGrid Forum與資策會誠摯地邀請業界先進們前來共襄盛舉。

Time for Rocking Revenue with G.hn
Excellent opportunity for System Companies ride the G.hn wave to prosperity

G.hn is today's solution to the needs of the market looking for a single technology that works over any wire and providing super speed networking that will enable tomorrow's exciting new applications.

G.hn is also the solution for Service Providers looking for a wireline network to be the high quality backbone transport throughout the home, flawlessly moving data anywhere there's a wire socket or connection point in the home. It is here, now and it is making money for service providers.

G.hn is here and now. It is ready for deployment, and HomeGrid Forum is ready for business. HGF's lab and testing certification processes are amongst the best in the industry. It has already certified silicon and is now ready for the system companies and their devices. It's the perfect synergy. The System Companies have an excellent opportunity to ride the G.hn wave to prosperity – in what we like to refer to as "Rock the Revenue."

Our participation at Computex event is focused on the continuing march of G.hn from technology definition to silicon and now, the arrival of certified systems. HGF will host two events, a press conference and a seminar, plus an e-home demonstration:

  • The Press Conference will evangelize the latest in G.hn and HGF news. It will present new exciting development in the areas of technology and certification.
  • The Seminar will provide further insight to the technology and solution that is G.hn. It will address the technology trend and the vision of G.hn followed by an e-Home demonstration of what is possible with the G.hn, an elegant simplicity solution over any wire, anywhere.
  • Our e-Home demonstration shows the exciting things that are possible with G.hn.

Attendees can see for themselves the potential of G.hn, a technology that meets Service Provider needs today and into the future.

The Objective is simple:
We are here, our lab is open for business, G.hn is ready. Are you?

大會議程/ Agenda:
Time Item Topic
13:30 ~ 14:00 Registration & Networking
14:00 ~ 14:10 Opening
14:10 ~ 14:40 Keynote Speech HomeGrid Forum report G.hn's progress now and forwards
“Our Vision for Business”
14:40 ~ 14:55 Session 1 C&I Status
14:55 ~ 15:20 Session 2 Comparing G.hn and Other Technologies
15:20 ~ 15:40 Session 3 Advanced G.hn Featureset & Why it Matters
15:40 ~ 16:00 Break Time
16:00 ~ 16:20 Session 4 Service Provider Benefits with G.hn
16:20 ~ 16:40 Session 5 The Business of Home Networking and why G.hn wins
16:40 ~ 17:00 Session 6 G.hn Panel Session
* Please note that this Agenda is subject to change by the organizer.
■ 智慧家庭情境體驗展示(e-home Demonstration):6月5日(三)上午10:00至下午5:00
■ 記 者 會(Press Conference):6月5日(三) 上午10:00至12:00
■ 產業論壇(Seminar):6月5日(三) 下午13:30至17:00
■ 活動時間:2013年6月5日(星期三) 下午13:30至17:00
■ 活動地點:台北國際會議中心4樓貴賓廳(台北市信義區信義路五段1號)
■ 報名費用:免費參加(敬請攜帶名片1張參加)
■ 報名方式:線上報名;座位有限,請提早報名,額滿為止
■ 交通資訊:http://www.ticc.com.tw/Flash/Traffic.aspx?Lang=zh-tw
■ 洽詢專線:資策會產業推動與服務處
  • 本活動報名截止日為5月31日(五)18:00。主辦單位將視報名狀況提前或延後線上報名時間。若報名者不克參加,可指派其他人選參加並通知主辦單位。
  • 請於活動報到時間進行報到,未能準時報到之學員,本活動無法為您保留座位;如因故當天無法出席之學員,本活動恕無法退費。
  • 現場報名學員,主辦單位視現場狀況保有開放進場與否之權利。
  • 本次活動若適逢天災(地震、颱風等)不可抗拒之因素,將延期舉辦,時間另行通知。
  • 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留研討會課程及講師之變更權利。
  • 主辦單位保留報名資格之最後審核權利,並於活動前一天以電子郵件方式寄發「報到通知」,以示您的參加資格,若您未收到「報到通知」可來電詢問。
Event Info:
■ Date: Wednesday, June 5th, 2013,13:30~17:00
■ VIP Room, 4F, Taipei International Convention Center (No.1 Sec.5,XinYi Road, Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.)
■ Admission:Free.
■ Transportation:http://www.ticc.com.tw/Flash/Traffic.aspx?Lang=zh-tw
■ Contact Window:+886-2-6607-6117 Ms.Lee ,+886-2-6607-6126 Ms.Chuang
Registration Note:
  • The deadline of event registration will be 18:00, May 31th, Friday. The event host may advance or postpone the online registration deadline. If enrolled participants cannot attend the event and wish to assign another candidate to participate instead, the event host should be informed prior to the event.
  • The event host reserves the right to reject enrollment applications. All confirmed online registrations will be sent a notice by email to show acceptance of registration. If customers do not receive an email notice, they should call or contact the host.
  • Please check-in on time. Registrants who fail to check-in on time or do not attend events, will not receive designated handouts or seating.
  • The event host will have the right to reject the on-site registration according to situation.
  • The event may be postponed until further notice due to natural disaster (such as earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) or other circumstances.
  • The event host reserves the right to change speakers at keynote or other sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.