數位看板(Digital Signage,簡稱DS)已成為媒體及工商企業新興的行銷平台與競爭工具,隨著營運效率的提升及系統單價的下跌,目前數位看板產業仍保持約25%的高度成長,在垂直應用市場領域,主要以智能零售、智能展館、智能交通與智能醫療為發展重點。


 在經濟部工業局的指導下,資策會號召台灣ICT體系業者正式成立台灣數位看板多媒體聯盟(Digital Signage Multimedia Alliance Taiwan;簡稱DSMA Taiwan),希望透過整合台灣LCD面板/顯示器、工業電腦、數位內容、系統整合、廣告媒體等業者的異業整合與跨業合作,開創出新興應用整合服務,達到軟應整合跨業效益,挖掘台灣ICT產業的新興藍海市場,帶動看板產業蓬勃發展。

 為推動數位看板產業的發展,自2009年起持續於台北國際電腦展期間舉辦「Digital Signage Forum」,為台北國際電腦展期以數位看板為主題之最盛大論壇活動,今年度(2015)更將擴大論壇舉辦規模並集結日、美、澳等國內外廠商代表及國際組織的能量,共同於6月5日(星期五)上午假台北國際會議中心102會議室舉辦「Digital Signage Forum 2015」,精彩內容不可錯過,歡迎有意者報名參加。

  Digital Signage (DS) has become an emerging marketing platform and a competing tool for media and the industrial & commercial corporations. With its rising operation efficiency and declining unit price, the digital signage industry maintains its strong growth at approximately 25%. In vertical application markets the primary focuses of development are in smart retail, smart exhibition halls and smart transportation.

  In terms of application, digital signage consists of two main categories: outdoor digital signage and indoor digital signage. Indoor digital signage, among the two categories, features broad application coverage, ranging from airport, exhibition hall, Mass Rapid Transit, warehouse stores, hotels, convenience stores and department stores. In light of its broad application coverage, indoor digital signage will see higher development potential in the upcoming years. With surging integrated system capacities, declining prices of large-scale LCD and PDP panels, as well as the growing number of innovation in operating and marketing modes by manufacturers, information and communication technology (ICT) vendors may anticipate digital signage as the next blockbuster product.

  Under the tutelage of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwanese ICT vendors formally established the Digital Signage Multimedia Alliance Taiwan (DSMA Taiwan). DSMA Taiwan aims to develop new services of integrated application via trans-industrial integration and multi-disciplinary collaboration among LCD panel/monitor makers, industrial computer makers, digital content providers, system integrators and advertising media in Taiwan. Hence, Taiwan ICT players can explore another “blue ocean” market, which may contribute to a blossoming signage industry.
  To fuel the advances in digital signage industry, DSMA Taiwan has been hosting the annual Digital Signage Forum from 2009 during the COMPUTEX Taipei exhibition, the veritably grandest digital signage-centered forum during the COMPUTEX Taipei exhibition. What’s more, this year DSMA Taiwan further scales up the forum and will stage the「Digital Signage Forum 2015」 powered by industrial representatives from both domestic and abroad and international organizations. The forum is scheduled to take place at Room 102, Taipei International Convention Center on Friday morning, June 5, 2015. Miss no fantastic speeches, and anyone who is interested is welcome to participate.