

2021的新年度,華邦電子、華科事業群 攜手旗下集團多家公司共同舉辦 WinTech 2021,將帶您一同剖析未來市場趨勢、揭示最新產品及先進技術開拓龐大新商機,現場更備有展覽展示多家產品與您深入探討。

2021/01/19(二) - 2021/01/22(五)
09:30 - 10:00
報到 (搭配早鳥禮) Check-in
10:00 - 10:40
高頻傳輸新世代的考驗 - 積層陶瓷電容在 IoT, 5G, AI 的應用
Challenges in the High Frequency Data Transmission - Wireless MLCC Application
In response to the advent of the next generation of high-frequency transmission technology, the application requirements of many circuits have also changed. What kind of changes need to allow upstream passive components to develop new product functions?This content will introduce the Hi-Q products of the only MLCC manufacturer in Taiwan that have won the "National Invention Award" and "Taiwan Excellence Award", and share the characteristics and applications of these products.
侯正淳 Michael Hou
10:40 - 11:00
休息時間 (參觀展會 demo)
11:00 - 11:40
華邦TrustME® 安全快閃記憶體打造安全可靠的互聯世界
Winbond TrustME® for a Secure and Safe Connected World
隨著許多嵌入式系統進入物聯網應用之中,安全儲存的需求便有增無減。W77Q安全快閃記憶體是與標準型閃記憶體裝置兼容且隨插即用 (drop-in replacement) 的產品,支援安全啟動,提供硬體信任根 (root-of-trust) 與恢復能力、加密數據儲存和傳輸的能力。藉由強大的安全線上韌體更新可確保 IoT 裝置穩健。
Flash memory is widely used in miscellaneous applications of the embedded systems. How to securely protect the firmware, data, and credentials stored in flash memory becomes extremely essential for the connected world. New W77Q Secure Flash memory is a drop-in replacement for existing Flash devices, supporting secure boot, root-of-trust and resilience, and providing strong protection for operations such as over-the-air updates and device authentication
陳宏瑋 Hung-Wei Chen
Winbond Secure Flash Product Director
華邦電子股份有限公司 (Winbond)
11:40 - 12:20
Let Nuvoton Secure IoT Microcontrollers Take You Through the Clouds
隨著大人物 (大:大數據、人:人工智慧、物:物聯網) 的發展,各式各樣的雲端智慧服務也蓬勃發展開來,然而資料隱私與資料安全的問題始終是未來智慧生活的一大隱憂,新唐基於多年在微控制器應用與 PC/Notebook 安全晶片的產業經驗,推出一系列適合物聯網應用的安全微控制器,兼顧晶片安全與物聯網裝置開發所需功能,同時搭配既有 NuMicro Family 開發資源能讓聯網裝置開發與裝置安全保證容易實現。
With the development of Big Data, AI and IoT, there are more and more smart services ignited by different Cloud Services. Just the data privacy and data security are always concerns or bottlenecks for massive deployment for these services. Nuvoton has built a range of products as Secure IoT MCUs to service the expected huge demanding market based on her versatile experiences of MCU application and PC/NB industries. The development of network-connected devices becomes very easy by leveraging the complete NuMicro Family application development platform.
凌立民 Robert Ling
Microcontroller Business Group, Senior Technology Manager
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
3D Sensing Solution of Time of Flight Camera for Autonomous Mobile Robot
Presentation of 3D camera solution utilizing “Time of Flight (TOF)” method that is measuring distance by calculating flying time of NIR light. Main target application is 3D input device for Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), and also, all of customers who are considering to introduce 3D camera for other purposes.
Assistant Marketing Director, Visual Sensing BG
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
十年磨一劍!IoT 產品射頻前端的設計挑戰
Persistence is the Key to Success!Design Challenges of RF Front End for IoT Products
IoT 物聯網市場歷經了多年的不斷演進,隨著無線通信技術的成長:如藍芽、無線區域網路、近場感應與無線行動技術2G/3G/4G/5G等等,整體需求呈現指數型的增加。而對應的射頻前端電路設計也越來越複雜,各式各樣的SOC晶片方案、功率放大器、射頻開關、濾波器與天線元件需求也大幅增加。同時,對於IOT物聯網應用而言,小型化是射頻技術中最熱門的議題;小型化帶來的好處包含:更省電、更低成本與更容易安裝等優點。要如何能夠真正達成小型化呢?首先是主動元件與被動元件的整合模組,第二是匹配網路必須被集成至模組內部,第三則是天線的微型化設計。此外,IOT物聯網市場還具有少量、產品多樣化與高度訂定製化的傾向,這對射頻前端的開發設計上,又帶來了更多更複雜的挑戰。
The IoT market has undergone years of continuous evolution, with the growth of wireless communication technology: Such as Bluetooth, WIFI, NFC and mobile comnunication 2G/3G/4G/5G, etc.The demand is increasing exponentially, and the design of the RF front-end circuit is becoming more and more complicated. In addition, the IoT market is also diversified and highly customized, which brings more and more complex challenges to the development and design of RF front-ends, the miniaturization is always the most
黃耿毅 Eason Huang
射頻產品應用處長 RFBU FAE Director
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:40
Nuvoton All-in-One IIoT Platform Solution
新唐提供物聯網雲端一體開發平臺,無論是在智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧工業、智能農業等中,都需要從物聯網傳感節點設備感測各種類型的數據。新唐物聯網開發平臺包含各種高性能、低功耗與接口豐富的微處理器和微控制器,適合各種 IoT 應用中節點設備和網關開發,支援多樣化的作業系統平台。
In an IoT ecosystem, it is necessary for sensor node devices to detect different types of data in multiple scenarios from smart home, city, industry, to smart agriculture. To easily realize the IoT sensor node application, Nuvoton offers NuMaker platform with a variety of NuMaker development boards based on low-power NuMicro microcontroller. Furthermore, the NuMaker platform are available for multiple RTOS including Arm Mbed OS, Amazon FreeRTOS, and AliOS Things.
陳世豪 House Chen
Microcontroller Mkt&App Div II Dept I, Deputy Director
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
10:40 - 11:00
休息時間(參觀展會 demo)
11:00 - 11:40
Motor driver IC series with Auto Phase Control, "APC" and Battery Management IC series for Industrial Application
An Introduction to our motor driver ICs. Explains how by using our key technology, the "APC function" helps our customers to eliminate the need of phase adjustment during development stage, and thereby helping them to realise various system benefits such as lowering development cost, shorter time to market and longer motor lifetime.
An introduction to our Battery management ICs for industrial application. Our BMS IC lineup provides series cell measurement of up to 22 cells. High accuracy measurement with highly integrated diagnostic functions helps our customer build a high safety system at the same time provides good scalability.
Hauo Wah
Solutions & Design Center, Device & Solutions Development Engineer
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
11:40 - 12:20
記憶體於 AIoT 世代的角色
The Memory Role in AIoT Era
物聯網已經是現在進行式,過往從終端感測器或是終端裝置收集到的資料,往雲端上傳並做相關的資料分析。但近兩年來在人工智慧的加持下,利用智慧物聯網做本地運算已經變成市場的趨勢,無論終端感測器或是裝置,賦予人工智慧之後,讓資料可以即時推論處理,縮短系統反應時間和降低整體系統功耗,類似的應用如:智慧語音,智慧門鈴,智慧監控或是智慧製造等。都是智能物聯網的範疇。記憶體在智慧物聯網的角色上,從單純的配角,演變成舉足輕重的角色。主要原因是除了操作系統之外,還多了人工智慧模型,需要低功耗高頻寬小容量的記憶體來搭配,才能有效達成智能物聯網的運算效能。而華邦推出了這樣的產品藍圖,稱之為Green Power Boost DRAM,簡稱為GP-Boost DRAM,就符合低功耗高頻寬小容量的特性。
From these recent two year, IoT has changed from analyzing information from endpoint sensor or edge device to providing an on-time inference. This transformation, so call AIoT, can reduce the system response time and overall system power consumption. It is already applied on smart speaker, smart doorbell and smart manufacturing. DRAM also becomes a pivotal role on AIoT. The main reason is that its small density with high bandwidth & low power consumption feature can reach the AIoT computing efficiency. Winbond, in order to optimize the AIoT applications, releases a series of GP-Boost DRAM.
曾一峻 Jacky Tseng
DRAM Marketing Department Manager
華邦電子股份有限公司 (Winbond)
New Opportunities New Challenges - Chip Resistor Applications & Challenges in IoT
為因應嶄新的物聯網應用領域,華新科技開發一系列解決方案,提供完整的晶片電阻系列!諸如高精密薄膜電阻:提供絕佳的精密度,超低的溫度係數,來達到絕佳的穩定性,使得終端的產品應用特性達到絕佳化!其次是絕佳的電流偵測電阻: 藉由超低阻抗,絕佳的溫度係數,以及高精度來達到絕佳的電流偵測,提高產品應用的精準度! 第三是高規格的車用等級電阻,特別針對高溫高濕的應用條件,以及硫化的惡劣環境,提供高可靠度,使終端產品規格達到完美的穩定性!最後華新科技針對環境保護也提供一系列無鉛無鹵無鎘無汞的電阻給業界選擇,以善盡身為地球村一份子的責任!
Walsin Technology develops series of chip resistor solutions to fulfill brand new IoT field application. Such as High Precision thin film resistor can provide accurate tolerance and ultra-small TCR for high stability in order to ensure end product performance optimized. 2nd, High stability current sensing resistor can provide ultra-low ohm, absolute TCR and accurate tolerance to achieve absolute current sensing and to ensure product reliability & stability. 3rd, High grade automotive resistor is specially designed for high temperature, high humidity application condition and sulfurated critical environment to achieve high stability and to make ensure end product performance optimized. Finally, WTC also consider environment protection and develop a series of Lead free, Halogen free, Cadmium free, and Mercury free resistor for customer to choose as a responsible citizen of earth.
郭俊雄 Joe Kuo
Chip-R FAE Manager
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
Nuvoton Audio Solutions & Technology in Smart Home Applications
What Is Smart Home Technology? What if all the devices in your life could connect to the internet? Not just computers and smartphones, but everything: security & surveillances, clocks, smart speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras, windows, sports & fitness, air conditioners, appliances, cooking utensils,… you name it. And what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your commands? It's not science fiction; it's the Internet of Things (IoT), and it's a key component of Home Automation and Smart Homes.
郭文昇 Vincent Kuo
Audio Solutions & Technology in Smart Home Applications
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:40
超小型封裝,低抗阻 MOSFET 為5G通訊帶產品帶來更優質的充電體驗
Ultra small and Low Impedance MOSFET bring better charging experience for 5G mobiles
介紹Nuvoton的CSP MOSFET系列產品的技術優勢已經相關市場動向。
Introducing Nuvoton CSP MOSFET technology advantages and marketing trend.
Highlight the new lineup for 5G functional mobile applications.
姜華 Howard Jiang
NTCJ-Component Business Group 課長
NTCJ-Component Business Group-Marketing Manager
新唐科技股份有限公司 (Nuvoton)
10:40 - 11:00
休息時間(參觀展會 demo)
11:00 - 11:40
The Big Wave is Coming ! Ceramics RF Filter in 5G Era
LTCC在5G時代的需求量,有別於以往,有著非常顯著的需求增長,原因來自於5G產品的複雜度比4G產品更高。首先,新增的服務頻段包括 5GNR 、 WIFI-6E、C-V2X車聯網、精密導航GPS與UWB室內定位,其涵蓋的頻率範圍由700MHz延伸到了7.2GHz 。更進一步,對於更高的傳輸速度,大量的4X4-MIMO或是2X2-MIMO技術被應用到了5G智能機的4G/5G/WIFI功能,增加了許多射頻的傳輸線路已增加頻寬。也因此大量的LTCC雙工器與三工器需求大幅增加,而且也沒有其他濾波器的替代方案。另外由5G技術也帶動了整個生態系統的蓬勃發展,車用需求、公眾熱點、小型基站與物聯網設備的需求均大幅增加。可預見的,考慮到5G毫米波與低軌道衛星的需求,將陶瓷LTCC的領域延伸到12~40GHz,在未來的三年內LTCC需求將會有爆炸式的增長。
The demand for LTCC in the 5G era is different from the past, and has a very significant demand growth. The reason is that 5G products are more complex than 4G products. First of all, the newly added service frequency bands include 5GNR, WIFI-6E, C-V2X (Internet of Vehicles), precision navigation GPS and UWB positioning, thus, the frequency range covered from 700MHz to 7.2GHz. Foreseeable, considering the demands of 5G millimeter wave and low-orbit satellites(LEO), the ceramic LTCC
黃耿毅 Eason Huang
RFBU FAE Director
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
11:40 - 12:20
High-Power MLCC Solution for High Temperature and High Vibration Environment
With the rapid development of the automotive and 5G markets, its power consumption has increased significantly.For example, the power consumption of automotive batteries has been changed from 12V to 24V, 48V, electric vehicles even greater than 400V, and the energy consumption of 4G base stations has increased from about 7 kilowatts to 5G systems. 12 kilowatts, so the design of MLCC's withstand voltage and environmental reliability on the power module needs to be improved. PDC proposes a large-size and high-power MLCC solution for high-temperature and high-vibration environments to meet the application of power modules for vehicles and base stations
蔣建文 Hank Chiang
Marketing director
信昌電子陶瓷股份有限公司 (PROSPERITY)
確保5G設備高可靠 - 晶片電阻在5G的應用與挑戰
Best Solutions for 5G High Reliability - Chip Resistor Applications & Challenges in 5G
為因應嶄新的5G應用領域,華新科技開發一系列解決方案 提供完整的晶片電阻系列!諸如高精密薄膜電阻:提供絕佳的精密度,超低的溫度係數,來達到絕佳的穩定性,使得終端的產品應用特性達到絕佳化! 其次是絕佳的電流偵測電阻: 藉由超低阻抗,絕佳的溫度係數,以及高精度來達到絕佳的電流偵測,提高產品應用的精準度! 第三是高規格的車用等級電阻,特別針對高溫高濕的應用條件,以及硫化的惡劣環境,提供高可靠度,使終端產品規格達到完美的穩定性!最後,華新科技針對環境保護也提供一系列無鉛無鹵無鎘無汞的電阻給業界選擇,以善盡身為地球村一份子的責任!
Walsin Technology develops series of chip resistor solutions to fulfill brand new 5G field application. Such as High Precision thin film resistor can provide accurate tolerance and ultra-small TCR for high stability in order to ensure end product performance optimized. 2nd, High stability current sensing resistor can provide ultra-low ohm, absolute TCR and accurate tolerance to achieve absolute current sensing and to ensure product reliability & stability. 3rd, High grade automotive resistor is specially designed for high temperature, high humidity application condition and sulfurated critical environment to achieve high stability and to make ensure end product performance optimized. Finally, WTC also consider environment protection and develop a series of Lead free, Halogen free, Cadmium free, and Mercury free resistor for customer to choose as a responsible citizen of earth.
郭俊雄 Joe Kuo
Chip-R FAE Manager
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
NVM Selection Guide for Diversified Smart Manufacturing
Followed industry revolution 4.0 paces, the implementation and continuous improvement of IoT, artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing had brought significant change to the world. New intelligence city and smart manufacturing had born. This revolution will reply on both software and hardware's upgrade, the boost code and new algorithm will become more and more complex and require higher and higher quality, performance and reliability flash memory to support the big challenge. Flash is playing very important role to bring the innovation into reality. Winbond could be the best partner with you to share the win-win business.
黃仲宇 Craig Huang
Flash Product Marketing Technology Assistant Manager
華邦電子股份有限公司 (Winbond)
Challenges in the High Frequency Data Transmission - Wireless MLCC Application
In response to the advent of the next generation of high-frequency transmission technology, the application requirements of many circuits have also changed. What kind of changes need to allow upstream passive components to develop new product functions? This content will introduce the Hi-Q products of the only MLCC manufacturer in Taiwan that have won the "National Invention Award" and "Taiwan Excellence Award", and share the characteristics and applications of these products.
侯正淳 Michael Hou
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
09:30 - 10:00
報到(搭配早鳥禮) Check-in
10:00 - 10:40
迎向未來車聯網時代 --- 記憶體如何幫你實現
Moving to Future Mobility Era -- How Memory can Help
我們正進入個嶄新的萬物物聯的時代,車聯網是其中極為重要的 一部分,除此之外,先進駕駛輔助系統及數位化座艙也是未來車輛發展趨勢,有許多相關的應用及創新服務正在快速蓬勃發展當中。要達成這美好的未來,只遵循我們過去發展的經驗會讓我們發展有所限制。因此我們需要結合智慧與創新來造就成熟產品與服務。在這章節,將闡述記憶體在未來車用領域裡所扮演的角色及價值,幫助人類實現更好生活體驗。
We are entering a new era of connectivity world. IoV (Internet of Vehicle) is one of important parts of whole connected network. Besides, ADAS and digital cockpit are also the trend of the new development vehicles. A lot of new applications, innovated service accompany with this migration. Follow our past experience may not help human make the dream come true. The evolution involved all of intelligent in hardware and software to make the robust system and creative service to make our life better. In this sections, we will illuminate the value from memory prospective to make our life better.
賴韋仲 Sierra Lai
產品行銷 處長
DRAM Marketing Director
華邦電子股份有限公司 (Winbond)
10:40 - 11:00
休息時間(參觀展會 demo)
11:00 - 11:40
Connect the Eyes, Connect Your Live
車用天線從過去典型標準配備的廣播、衛星導航,已發展到多達8支以上的天線應用。定位技術從過去的傳統GPS L1定位,演化為高精度(L1/L2/L5/L6)的釐米級定位,來輔助未來無人駕駛技術與導航的準確及安全性。更進一步,典型衛星通訊所不及的室內區域(如室內停車場),也因UWB技術的崛起,為引導駕駛在盲知區的路線由戶外往室內延伸。技術開發部份,多重天線整合通訊控制模組(TCU, Telematics Control Unit)也成為設計開發時的挑戰,PSA(INPAQ)透過3D電磁模擬軟體在產品開發初期進行解析,以模擬方式先期找出最佳解,增添產品設計的有效性。車用無限充電設計挑戰及設計Get win know-how。
In the past, the standard wireless feature for vehicles normally includes antennas for radio and navigation. Furthermore, the new concept of IoV (Internet of Vehicle) has more than eight antennas to fullfill different application purposes, such as GNSS L1/L2/L5/L6 for high-precision positioning and UWB technology for indoor positioning. The positioning technology now can be extended from outdoor open sky to indoor environment. In technical and product development, the challenge shall be risen to integrate multiple antennas with the TCU (Telematics Control Unit). The PSA(INPAQ) use the 3D EM simulation tool for design and evaluation in early stage of product development to find the best solution, which is always helpful to realize the product for mass production. Get win about wirless charging design in automotive.
蔡凱翔 Sean Tsai
PSA/INPAQ 車用天線研發部 產品經理
PSA/INPAQ Automotive Antenna Design - Product Manager
佳邦科技股份有限公司 (INPAQ)
洪碩國 Sogo Hong
PSA/INPAQ 手持式裝置部 資深經理
PSA/INPAQ Wearable -Senior manager (WPC R&D)
佳邦科技股份有限公司 (INPAQ)
11:40 - 12:20
Quality FIRST and High Reliability for Smart Car, the 60-Year of Japanese Chip Resistor Expert
為滿足車載Automotive該產業所需求的高可靠度/高穩定性,Kamaya專精並耕耘日本電阻技術60年,充分準備了最先進的技術,全方位的生產計劃以及產品規格,這是整體 PSA 所賦予Kamaya 的使命,Kamaya We Can.
To fulfill the High-stability demand from automotive segment, Kamaya, the 60-Year of Japanese Chip Resistor Expert, is well prepared with cutting edge technology, comprehensive production plan and product range to accept the PSA mission assignment. Kamaya ! We CAN
吳承翰 Devy Wu
釜屋電機株式會社 (KAMAYA)
High-Power MLCC Solution for High Temperature and High Vibration Environment
With the rapid development of the automotive and 5G markets, its power consumption has increased significantly.For example, the power consumption of automotive batteries has been changed from 12V to 24V, 48V, electric vehicles even greater than 400V, and the energy consumption of 4G base stations has increased from about 7 kilowatts to 5G systems. 12 kilowatts, so the design of MLCC's withstand voltage and environmental reliability on the power module needs to be improved. PDC proposes a large-size and high-power MLCC solution for high-temperature and high-vibration environments to meet the application of power modules for vehicles and base stations
蔣建文 Hank Chiang
Marketing director
信昌電子陶瓷股份有限公司 (PROSPERITY)
Automotive Grade MLCC Application
In response to the advent of various new automotive technologies, whether it is energy vehicles, unmanned driving, electric vehicles, car networking, etc., capacitors are indispensable line necessities. What types of MLCC capacitors are there? This content will introduce the MLCC developed by Walsin, the only MLCC manufacturer in Taiwan that has won the ""National Invention Award"" and ""Taiwan Excellence Award"", and will share the characteristics and applications of these products.
侯正淳 Michael Hou
華新科技股份有限公司 (Walsin Technology)
Challenges and Solutions of A-IoT for Code Storage Memory
High performance memory is required for fast boot applications and better user experiences. Winbond will demonstrate several approaches to explain how to achieve higher data thru-put rate and higher erase/program efficiency during OTA.
黃信偉 Wilson Huang
Flash Product Marketing Manager
華邦電子股份有限公司 (Winbond)
華邦電子為全球半導體記憶體解決方案領導廠商,主要業務包含產品設計、技術研發、晶圓製造、行銷及售後服務,致力於提供客戶全方位的利基型記憶體解決方案。華邦電子產品包含利基型動態隨機存取記憶體、行動記憶體和編碼型快閃記憶體,廣泛應用在通訊、消費性電子、工業用以及車用電子、電腦周邊等領域。華邦總部位於台灣中部科學工業園區,在美國、日本、以色列、中國大陸、香港等地均設有子公司及服務據點。華邦在中科設有一座12吋晶圓廠,目前並於南科高雄園區興建新廠,未來將持續導入自行 開發之製程技術,提供合作夥伴高品質的記憶體產品。
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan value not only the technology and products that Panasonic has cultivated for over 60 years, but also the high enthusiasm and honest heart of the group that produces them. We will deliver the product and service which is further characterized by the synergy with the new Nuvoton.
銷售範圍:原料 (介電瓷粉)、半成品 (半導性陶瓷電容瓷片)、成品 (晶片電容、晶片電阻、電感)
Kamaya Electronics established in 1957, and it is just as true today. For more than six decades in the electronics component industry, we have strived to achieve engineering excellence through state of the art product design, discipline in manufacturing, customer services and continuous effort to enhance cost competitiveness. With our commitment to customer in mind, we aim to become a trustworthy world class leading resistor manufacturer that supports the growth in electronics industries worldwide.
  1. 華新科技股份有限公司
  2. 嘉聯益科技股份有限公司
  3. 佳邦科技股份有限公司
  4. 信昌電子陶瓷股份有限公司
  5. 釜屋電機株式會社
  6. 新唐科技股份有限公司
  7. Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan
  8. 華邦電子股份有限公司
  9. TECHDesign
星巴克早餐兌換卷 $150使用券
$100 統一禮券
Play Station 5
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