

  • 元宇宙的降臨,各項設備皆需進行大量且複雜的運算,AI結合IoT串聯5G 加速智慧應用帶動各類元件需求持續成長。
  • 車用電子的持續增長,從車身到動力系統,再到資訊娛樂系統,電子元件在汽車的各個部分發揮著至關重要的作用。
  • 安全、安防的提升,駭客的威脅將繼續變得複雜,迫使半導體製造商開發更現代的方法來快速且有效地阻止這些攻擊。


2022的新年度,華邦電子、華科事業群攜手旗下集團多家公司再度共同舉辦 WinTech 2022,將帶您一同剖析未來市場趨勢、揭示最新產品及先進技術開拓龐大新商機,現場更備有展覽展示多家產品與您深入探討。

  • 最新低功率元件與IoT / AI 應用系統
  • 探索車用產品趨勢與數位安全趨勢
  • 邊緣運算與機器學習與市場所需之5G元件
2022/01/12(三) - 2022/01/14(五)
09:30 - 10:00
Check in
10:00 - 10:30
The ULP HyperRAM™ Enrich MCU Eco-system.
Winbond is developing emerging memory - HyperRAM™. The main feature is tiny die size, low pin count, and especially for ultra-low power. MCU can leverage HyperRAM™ benefit to spread out market included AIoT even specific automotive function like OTA. In the past, the most of MCU adopted small density eSRAM to support general purpose market. Now Artificial Intelligent is helping not only cloud but also end point device to be smarter. The smart end point device w/ enough inference performance, which means memory become key factor to load AI model and buffer data. HyperRAM™ can play this role and collaborate with MCU under low density eSRAM. We believe the architecture can assist MCU Eco-system to be better cost and performance.
曾一峻 Jacky Tseng
DRAM Marketing Department Manager
10:30 - 11:00直播
Time of Flight sensing solution for various applications
Presentation of 3D sensing solution utilizing "Time of Flight (TOF)" method for various applications such as Human monitoring, Automonous Mobile Robot and AR etc.. including collaboration with System-On-a-Chip platform vendor Qualcomm and introduction of our Proof of Concept (PoC).
Navneet Unni
Manager - Sensing Solutions, NTSG
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ)
11:00 - 11:20
Break time
11:20 - 11:50
Ambiq Makes Endpoint AI Possible
人工智能(AI)是一種功能強大但計算要求高的工具,可幫助人類做出決策和創新。為了實現萬物互聯的物聯網願景,我們必須確保端點的所有電池供電設備始終處於開啟、連接和智能狀態。我們將與您分享Ambiq獨特的超低功耗技術如何實現端點 AI 的可行性。我們也將向您展示在Apollo4 SoC 上運行機器學習(ML)與深度學習(DL)的正確工具以及由ML或DL支持的應用程序示例。由於我們正處於釋放端點AI力量的風口浪尖,誠邀您加入我們這一激動人心的旅程。
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful yet computationally demanding tool to help human decision-making and innovation. To realize the IoT vision where everything is connected, we must ensure all battery-powered devices at the endpoint can always be on, connected, and intelligent. Today, we'll share with you how Ambiq's unique ultra-low-power technology makes meaningful endpoint AI possible. We'll show you the right tool to run Machine Learning (ML) vs. Deep Learning (DL) and examples of applications enabled by ML or DL on the Apollo4 SoC. As we are on the cusp of unleashing the power of endpoint AI, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.
朱宏庭 Eric Chu
Director of Sales
11:50 - 12:20
Solution of using AI to supersede manpower on wafer sawing process.
With the AI development and application, the function of AI could be able to supersede manpower effectively, and enhance the machine productivity. In wafer sawing process of Assy, the wafer surface reflection and pattern difference will over the ability of machine image comparison to cause the false alarm when inspection check, need operator to re-judge and handle, WAE proposes a solution to use AI learning method to supersede manpower for re-judgement, and combine the EAP system to auto release machine to production.
林科呈 Lin Ke Cheng
封裝製造工程 經理
Assembly Manufacturing Engineering Manager
12:20 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
為IoT / AI應用提供系統及封裝整合方案
SiP/Integration solution provider for IoT/AI applications
自從蘋果在Apple Watch採用SiP封裝後,SiP技術漸漸成為消費性電子的新寵兒。而隨著5G手機及IoT的推出,各手機品牌廠更增加對SiP的需求,華東科技自記憶體封裝起家,不斷精進研發新的封裝技術下,已可以提供完整的SiP封裝解決方案,按照客製化的需求,將IC、元件、sensor、LED、MEMS等不同的需求整合並提供完整的製程規畫,甚至降低本,提升客戶產品的競爭力。
The SiP had become new favorite of the consumer electronics since which was applied in the Apple Watch. The needs of the SiP increase along with the 5G cell phone and IoT. Walton, the memory package expert, continues to improve and Innovate new package process that can provide the customized SiP solution for embedding ICs, passives, sensors, LEDs, and MEMS and provide the full process planning to increase the product competitiveness and lower the cost.
古瑞庭 RT Gu
Assembly Technology R&D Supervisor
14:30 - 15:00
從工廠生產中環繞人、機、料、法、環的重心去優化,針對產品品質瑕疵、機具預診保養、人員作業風險預防等導入人工智慧,希望以zero code 的主軸,讓廠方沒有人工智慧的基礎也能擁抱AI。
15:00 - 15:30直播
Introduction of High Speed Interface Products (HDMI, USB4 Re-Timer) for IoT , Industrial , Consumer application equipped with a high-speed interface.
In the presentation, NTCJ will introduce HDMI2.1 IC and USB4 Re-Timer with NTCJ's achievement, advanced technology, roadmap and customer solutions. The target application are AV Receiver, Sound bar, Switcher, Matrix, VR , Cable , PC and PC peripherals. NTCJ has more than 15 years of high-speed interface design knowledge for HDMI, USB, SATA, IEEE1394 and Display port. As a leader in HDMI, NTCJ is in a leading position in the high-speed interface industry and expanding covering area of high speed inter face and enhance our interface technology for customer. Especially, latest Re-timer products for cable and PC have our latest state of art technology to improve customer's application value. Rich experience, technical knowledge and a wide variety of product line up, NTCJ can provide excellent products and technical support to customers.
吉田 雅人 Masato Yoshida
Cheif, IoT with Security BG
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ)
15:30 - 16:00
Smart home audio product application
由於 COVID-19 的影響,人們相互交流的方式發生了重大變化。為了減少人與人之間的接觸,功能整合的線上會議可以滿足需求。
Due to the impact of COVID-19, the way people communicate with each other has undergone major changes. In order to reduce the contact between people, online meetings with integrated functions can meet the demand.
郭文昇 Vincent Kuo
智能家居產品中心 行銷處 高級工程師
Senior Engineer of Smart Home Product Center.
16:00 - 16:10
09:30 - 10:00
Check in
10:00 - 10:30
The Next Page of Battery Energy: Automotive High Power Application
The issue of environmental protection drives the development of new energy products. The most eye-catching changes are renewable energy and electric vehicles. Vehicle battery packs require high power, as well as miniaturization in size and weight. KAMAYA also takes this opportunity to develop high-power chip resistors to meet future generations.
吳承翰 Devy Wu
10:30 - 11:00
The application of protection components (Thermistors, Varistors) and PIEZO series in automotive electronics circuit.
With the advent of each new generation in Automotive, the number of in-car electronic systems is also increasing. Not only the growing demand for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) or connected infotainment systems, even entry level cars nowdays integrate advanced electronic systems which was only present in high-end cars, including security, telematics, and interconnection. For these electronic systems, it is very important to cover the protection mechanism of the electronic system at an early stage during design phase. It helps electronic devices to maintain their basic functions, but it can also enhance the reliability and life cycle of electronic systems to cope with harsh environments and conditions. The safety of driver and occupants are also the key foundation for protecting designs.
周明興 Clement Chou
Vice President
劉郁初 True Liu
Senior FAE
11:00 - 11:20
Break time
11:20 - 11:50
Automotive grade MLCC application
In response to the advent of various new automotive technologies, whether it is energy vehicles, unmanned driving, electric vehicles, car networking, etc., capacitors are indispensable line necessities. What types of MLCC capacitors are there? This content will introduce the MLCC developed by Walsin, the only MLCC manufacturer in Taiwan that has won the 'National Invention Award' and 'Taiwan Excellence Award', and will share the characteristics and applications of these products.
侯正淳 Michael Hou
11:50 - 12:20
Wide band gap materials (SiC,GaN) drive the development trend of large-size, high-power, and special-purpose MLCC
With the rapid development of the automotive and 5G markets, its power consumption has increased significantly.For example, the power consumption of automotive batteries has been changed from 12V to 24V, 48V, electric vehicles even greater than 400V, and the energy consumption of 4G base stations has increased from about 7 kilowatts to 5G systems. 12 kilowatts, and because of this, the third-generation semiconductors (SiC, GaN) in power active components have withstand voltage, temperature resistance, and low loss Which characteristics are very suitable for the application of relevant conditions.so the design of MLCC's withstand voltage and environmental reliability on the power module needs to be improved. PDC proposes a large-size and high-power MLCC solution for high-temperature and high-vibration environments to meet the application of power modules for vehicles and base stations
蔣建文 Hank Chiang
Marketing director
12:20 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30直播
Introduction of Motor Driver ICs and Battery Monitoring ICs for 5G, IoT and Automotive app.
5G、IoT和汽車應用的模擬半導體產品介绍:我們的電機驅動器IC的關鍵技術提高了電機的整體性能,從而幫助我們的客戶實現各種系統優勢,例如高效率、高氣流和更短的上市時間。我們的工業電池監控IC(BM-IC)具有高度集成的診斷功能、高電池電壓測量精度並保護多達22個串聯電池。我們的設備幫助我們的客戶構建更安全、更具可擴展性的產品。 我們提供硬件和軟件參考設計以縮短產品上市時間。我們的汽車BM-IC具有冗餘單元測量和通信功能,可幫助我們的客戶設計符合ASIL-D的產品。
Presentation of Nuvoton Analog devices for 5G / IoT / Automotive applications. The key technology of our Motor driver ICs improves overall motor performance, and thereby helping our customers to realize various system benefits such as high efficiency, high airflow and shorter time to market. Our Industrial battery monitoring ICs(BM-ICs)have highly integrated diagnostic functions, high cell voltage measurement accuracy and protect up to 22 series cells. Our devices help our customers to build a safer and more scalable products. We offer hardware and software reference design to shorten the time for product to market. Our Automotive BM-ICs come with redundant cell measurement and communication function to help our customers to design products compliant with ASIL-D.
張豪華 Chong Hauo Wah
Staff Engineer
Nuvoton Technology Singapore Pte Ltd (NTSG)
江天佑 Kang Tien Yew
Principal Engineer(Application Engineer)
Nuvoton Technology Singapore Pte Ltd (NTSG)
14:30 - 15:00
Secure Flash Solutions Enabling Security and Safety of Connected Devices
隨著許多嵌入式系統進入物聯網應用之中,安全儲存的需求便有增無減。W77Q安全快閃記憶體是與標準型閃記憶體裝置兼容且隨插即用(drop-in replacement)的產品,支援安全啟動,提供硬體信任根(root-of-trust)與恢復能力、加密數據儲存和傳輸的能力。藉由強大的安全線上韌體更新可確保IoT裝置穩健。
Flash memory is widely used in miscellaneous applications of the embedded systems. How to securely protect the firmware, data, and credentials stored in flash memory becomes extremely essential for the connected world. New W77Q Secure Flash memory is a drop-in replacement for existing Flash devices, supporting secure boot, root-of-trust and resilience, and providing strong protection for operations such as over-the-air updates and device authentication.
陳光輝 Vincent Chen
安全解決方案行銷企劃及應用技術處 處長
Secure Flash Director
15:00 - 15:30
How to design a cost and efficiency balanced IoT edge-node device with security assurance
新唐基於多年在微控制器應用與PC/Notebook安全晶片的產業經驗,推出一系列適合物聯網應用的安全微控制器,兼顧晶片安全與物聯網裝置開發所需功能,同時搭配既有NuMicro Family 開發資源能讓聯網裝置開發與裝置安全保證容易實現,本次演講將以榮獲國際知名雜誌評選大獎肯定的M2354系列為例說明如何兼顧成本與效能實現物聯網裝置資安無虞的設計。
Based on years of industry experience in microcontroller applications and PC/Notebook security chips, Nuvoton has launched a range of IoT Security microcontrollers suitable for IoT applications, taking into account chip security and the functions required for the development of IoT devices, as well as the existing NuMicro Family development resources It can make the development of networked devices and device security guarantees easy to achieve. This speech will take the M2354 series, which has won the award of internationally renowned magazine, as an example to illustrate how to balance cost and efficiency to achieve a safe and secure design of IoT devices.
凌立民 Robert Ling
微控制器事業群 資深技術經理
Microcontroller Application Business Group. Senior Technology Manager
15:30 - 16:00直播
Human Machine Interface Display LSIs (Gerda® series) for Automotive applications
HMI solution in the passenger compartment. Realization of electronic meter, HeadUpDisplay, and electronic mirror system by Gerda and proposal of customer value.
魏健勇 Mui Ken Yong
System Engineer - HIM Solutions, NTSG
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ)
16:00 - 16:10
09:30 - 10:00
Check in
10:00 - 10:30
Nuvoton All-in-One IoT-Edge Computing & Machine Learning Platform Solution
Nuvoton provides an integrated development platform for IoT edge computing. Whether in smart homes, smart cities, smart industries, smart agriculture, etc., various types of data need to be sensed from IoT sensor node devices. Nuvoton's integrated edge computing development platform includes a variety of high-performance, low-power, and interface-rich microprocessors and microcontrollers, suitable for node devices in various IoT applications, and can be used with sensors to construct an easy-to-use machine learning platform. It is suitable for the diverse needs of edge computing and machine learning of the new generation of Internet of Things.
陳世豪 House Chen
Microcontroller Mkt&App Div II Dept I, Deputy Director
10:30 - 11:00直播
High Power Laser Diode for industrial applications
Presentation of NTCJ High Power laser diode technoloby that can realize a high-power, high-reliability laser suitable for industrial applications by using its unique compound semiconductor process technology and low light loss structure.
佐々木 陽平 Yohei Sasaki
Cheif, Component BG
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ)
11:00 - 11:20
Break time
11:20 - 11:50
4G / 5G Mobile AIoT 產品及運用
4G / 5G Mobile AIoT 產品的運用以Wibase產品為範例:兩年來在世界各國因應COVID-19疫情蔓延的防疫措施的實施,政府、企業組織利用 AI與物聯網科技,以遠端操作減少直接觸的方式營運,提供移動式遠距照護,遠距監管來因應疫情。緯昌致力開發行動聯網穿戴產品,以 AIoT提供及時定位、影像串流、通訊與人員照護彈性佈署的解決方案與應用平台。
4G/5G AIoT Wearables deliver smart operations: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to provide mobile AI -IoT , Location , communication, video streaming service solution are crucial for governments and enterprises to adapt social -distancing discipline and efficiently make work done. Wibase develops and delivers world-class Mobile AIoT Smart Wearable Device including mPERS , BWC devices and solutions for government as well as enterprise to deploy remote personal care , public safety , and evidence gathering.
鄭耶光 John Cheng
General Manager
11:50 - 12:20
Metaverse brings the demand of the new generation wearable devices and infrastructure
The technology improves the information transformation dramatically from telegram, phone, pager, cell phone to smart device. These high technology has changed not only how people live but also how they communicate. Metaverse was actually being mentioned in some movies and books many years ago. However, it still needs the electronic devices and infrastructure to make it more realistic and comes true.
陳葦霖 William Chen
快閃記憶體產品企劃處 副處長
Flash Memory Product Marketing Deputy Director
12:20 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
5G不只是5G ! 射頻前端元件的設計與挑戰
More than 5G! Design and challenges of 5G RF front-end components
進入到5G時代,5G產品的複雜度比4G產品更高。各種新增的服務頻段包括 5GNR、WIFI-6E、C-V2X車聯網、精密導航GPS與UWB室內定位,其涵蓋的頻率範圍由700MHz延伸到了7.2GHz。在有限的空間內,對於射頻元件的小型化需求更高,對設計的挑戰也更高。此外,由於各種應用整合的頻段越高,系統的損耗與功率的控制也必須更加嚴格,使得5G FR1的發展充滿挑戰。
In he 5G era, 5G products are more complex than 4G products. The new service applications include 5GNR-FR1, WIFI-6E, C-V2X, precision navigation GPS and UWB indoor positioning, and the frequency range is extended from 700MHz to 7.2GHz. In the limited space of consumer products, the need for miniaturization of RF components is higher, and the design challenge is also higher. In addition, the higher the frequency band integrated with various applications, the more stringent the system loss and power control must be, making the development of 5G FR1 challenging.
黃耿毅 Eason Huang
Technical Marketing Director
14:30 - 15:00
新商機也是新挑戰,晶片電阻在5G / IoT物聯網的應用與挑戰
New opportunity new challenges - Chip Resistor application & challenge in 5G/IoT
為因應嶄新的5G / IoT物聯網應用領域,華新科技開發一系列解決方案,提供完整的晶片電阻系列。諸如高精密薄膜電阻:提供絕佳的精密度、超低的溫度係數來達到絕佳的穩定性,使得終端的產品應用特性達到絕佳化!其次是絕佳的電流偵測電阻:藉由超低阻抗、絕佳的溫度係數以及高精度來達到絕佳的電流偵測,提高產品應用的精準度。第三是高規格的車用等級電阻,特別針對高溫高濕的應用條件以及硫化的惡劣環境提供高可靠度,使終端產品規格達到完美的穩定性。最後華新科技針對環境保護也提供一系列無鉛無鹵無鎘無汞的電阻給業界選擇。以善盡身為地球村一份子的責任。
Walsin Technology develops series of chip resistor solutions to fulfill brand new 5G/IoT field application. Such as High Precision thin film resistor can provide accurate tolerance and ultra-small TCR for high stability in order to ensure end product performance optimized. 2nd, High stability current sensing resistor can provide ultra-low ohm, absolute TCR and accurate tolerance to achieve absolute current sensing and to ensure product reliability & stability. 3rd, High grade automotive resistor is specially designed for high temperature, high humidity application condition and sulfurated critical environment to achieve high stability and to make ensure end product performance optimized. Finally, WTC also consider environment protection and develop a series of Lead free, Halogen free, Cadmium free, and Mercury free resistor for customer to choose as a responsible citizen of earth.
郭俊雄 Joe Kuo
Chip-R FAE Manager
15:00 - 15:30
Green Product of Molding Inductor
The general high-power molding Inductor in order to achieve anti-rust have surface coating process of the components. In response to the friendly environment and carbon neutral trend, our company uses powder surface processing and granulation technology to overcome the environment pollution caused by traditional coating.
游承翰 PSA Phil Yu
Power Inductor Division Manager
15:30 - 16:00
Wireless MLCC application
In response to the advent of the next generation of high-frequency transmission technology, the application requirements of many circuits have also changed. What kind of changes need to allow upstream passive components to develop new product functions? This content will introduce the Hi-Q products of the only MLCC manufacturer in Taiwan that have won the 'National Invention Award' and 'Taiwan Excellence Award', and share the characteristics and applications of these products.
侯正淳 Michael Hou
16:00 - 16:10
Winbond Electronics Corporation
華邦電子為全球半導體記憶體解決方案領導廠商,主要業務包含產品設計、技術研發、晶圓製造、行銷及售後服務,致力於提供客戶全方位的利基型記憶體解決方案。華邦電子產品包含利基型動態隨機存取記憶體、行動記憶體、編碼型快閃記憶體和TrustME® 安全快閃記憶體,廣泛應用在通訊、消費性電子、工業用以及車用電子、電腦周邊等領域。華邦總部位於台灣中部科學園區,在美國、日本、以色列、中國大陸、香港、德國等地均設有子公司及服務據點。華邦在中科設有一座12吋晶圓廠,目前並於南科高雄園區興建新廠,未來將持續導入自行開發之製程技術,提供合作夥伴高品質的記憶體產品。
Winbond Electronics Corporation is a leading global supplier of semiconductor memory solutions. The Company provides customer-driven memory solutions backed by the expert capabilities of product design, R&D, manufacturing, and sales services. Winbond's product portfolio, consisting of Specialty DRAM, Mobile DRAM, Code Storage Flash, and TrustME® Secure Flash, is widely used by tier-1 customers in communication, consumer electronics, automotive and industrial, and computer peripheral markets. Winbond is headquartered in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP), and it has subsidiaries in the USA, Japan, Israel, China, Hong Kong, and Germany. Based on Taichung and new Kaohsiung 12-inch fabs in Taiwan, Winbond keeps pace to develop in-house technologies to provide high-quality memory IC products.
Nuvoton Technology Corporation
Nuvoton Technology Corporation (NTC) was founded to bring innovative semiconductor solutions to the market. NTC was spun-off as a Winbond Electronics affiliate in July 2008 and went public in September 2010 on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE). Nuvoton Technology focuses on the developments of microcontroller, microprocessor, smart home and cloud security IC and has strong market share in Industrial, Consumer and Computer markets. Nuvoton owns a wafer fab, featuring customized processes for analog and power products. Besides in-house IC products, the wafer fab also provides part of its capacity for foundry services. Nuvoton Technology provides products with a high performance/cost ratio for its customers by leveraging flexible technology, advanced design capability, and integration of digital and analog technologies. Nuvoton values long term relationships with its partners and customers and is dedicated to continuous innovation of its products, processes, and services. The company has established subsidiaries in the USA, China, Israel, India, Singapore, Korea and Japan to strengthen regional customer support and global management.
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ)
On September 1, 2020, Panasonic Semiconductor Solutions Co., Ltd., became a member of Nuvoton Technology Corporation. We value not only the technology and products that Panasonic has cultivated for over 60 years, but also the high enthusiasm and honest heart of the group that produces them. We will deliver the product and service which is further characterized by the synergy with the new Nuvoton. We value our existing relationships with our customers and partners, and aim to be a global solutions company that solves various problems in society, industry and people's lives by providing added value that exceeds expectations.
Walsin Technology Corportation
Walsin Technology Corporation, surrounding you as a one-stop supplier of passive components, values customers and adhere to commitments. Over 25 years of industry expertise, Walsin manufactures top-quality capacitors, resistors, inductors, RF devices, antennas, and protective components with optimum circuit performance to fulfill diversified applications and specifications. Via its multiple backup production bases in China, Taiwan, Japan, and Malaysia, Walsin establishes global logistics and warehouse network to provide on-time delivery and customer-oriented service. From customized design-in phase to production planning, Walsin is no doubt the ultimate choice for total passive solutions.
Kamaya Electric Co., Ltd.
釜屋電機株式會社成立於 1957 年, 深耕電子元件行業已超過六十年,致力於最先進的產品研發、符合車規的嚴格製造標準、完善的客戶服務和不斷提高成本的競爭力,以實現最卓越的日式工藝設計。本著對客戶的承諾,我們的目標是成為值得信賴的世界級領先電阻器製造商,以協助全球電子行業的永續發展。
Kamaya Electronics established in 1957, and it is just as true today. For more than six decades in the electronics component industry, we have strived to achieve engineering excellence through state of the art product design, discipline in manufacturing, customer services and continuous effort to enhance cost competitiveness. With our commitment to customer in mind, we aim to become a trustworthy world class leading resistor manufacturer that supports the growth in electronics industries worldwide.
Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd.
信昌電子陶瓷成立於1990年,為國內少數能自行供給瓷粉原料並同時銷售積層陶瓷電容的被動元件廠商,更是唯一有能力由上游初發原料,向下垂直整合至被動晶片元件的廠商。由於掌握關鍵性材料的技術利基,信昌電陶可配合市場需求,由材料研發著手,向下整合開發客戶所需要的電子元件,縮短量產時效。 銷售範圍:原料(介電瓷粉)、半成品(半導性陶瓷電容瓷片)、成品(晶片電容、晶片電阻、電感)
Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. (PDC) was founded in 1990 as the 1st local manufacturer and exporter in Taiwan for ceramic dielectric powders and multiple-layer ceramic chip capacitors (MLCC). With niche technology of critical materials, PDC can meet the market requirements. The integration of researching and developing from materials to the customer-required components can shorten the time of mass production. Product portfolio: Material (Ceramic Dielectric Powder), Semi-finished goods(Semiconducting Ceramic Chip Capacitor), Finished goods (Chip Capacitor, Chip resistor, Inductor)
INPAQ Technology Co., Ltd.
INPAQ offers the globally competitive and premium solutions of RF Antenna/Passive Components and provides multiple ODM/OBM/ODM services. With independent research and development, manufacturing, and patented processes, INPAQ serves 100+ customers of global international brands. INPAQ is the value partner with solutions of IOT, 5G high-precision antenna, mm-wave station, thin chip power inductor, full-line of multilayer filter, chip bead, and thin film Common Mode filter with ESD functions.
久尹成立於1984年,開始研發製造品質可靠的電子元件相關生產設備,並以創新的設計技術在機械設備上增加良好的使用者介面,成為全球被動零件領域的知名設備製造商。多年來為歐、美、日本等國之世界知名大廠代工研發與製造電子零件,投入專業的研發工作團隊於1993年發展出久尹自有品牌之熱敏電阻 / 壓敏電阻 / 溫度傳感器,銷售領域涵蓋全球電子業多達300家以上的客戶群。透過長期的合作夥伴關係,久尹的機械設備與電子元件銷售服務在業界已達30年以上。
Founded in 1984, Joyin began to develop and manufacture reliable quality electronic components related production equipment, and used innovative design technology to add a good user interface to mechanical equipment, becoming a well-known equipment manufacturer in the field of passive components worldwide. Over the years, it has developed and manufactured electronic parts for world-renowned manufacturers in Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries, and invested in a professional R&D team to develop Joyin's own brand thermistor / varistor / temperature sensor in 1993, The sales area covers more than 300 customer groups worldwide. Through a long-term partnership, Joyin's mechanical equipment and electronic component sales services have been in the industry for more than 30 years.
Walton Advanced Engineering, Inc.
華東科技成立於1995年,為一專業半導體封裝與測試服務商,為全球記憶體半導體大廠提供自晶圓針測、IC 封裝、成品測試至直接出貨之一元化專業代工服務。自成立後,與全球記憶體領先業者建立良好的合作關係。從SDR DRAM開始,華東科技的技術能力隨著DRAM技術世代推進,累積豐富的工程與量產經驗,擁有最完整的記憶體封裝與測試平台,提供傳統與先進記憶體最適封測解決方案。自2021年起,因應物聯網與邊緣運算趨勢,華東科技進入邏輯領域,提供MCP(MultiChip Package)與 SiP(System-in-Package, 系統級封裝)的封測解決方案。
Walton Advanced Engineering, Inc. is a professional semiconductor assembly & test service provider. Walton's one-stop service includes wafer probing, IC assembly, final testing & drop shipment, facilitating customer's global supply chain management. Closely working with world-class memory semiconductor companies for over 25 years, Walton's engineering capabilities have been advancing with the evolution of memory technology generations. With comprehensive semiconductor assembly and testing platform built, Walton is capable to offer the optimized solution for legacy and advanced memory products. Responding to the trend of IoT and edge computing, Walton enters logic IC area and provides MCP (Multichp Package) & SiP (System-in-Package) - based backend turnkey solutions.
Ambiq 成立於 2010 年,我們的使命是營造一個更清潔、更環保、更安全的環境,讓行動和可攜式設備能夠減少或消除電池的總功耗。在過去的十年裡,Ambiq 一直相當專注於研發市場上最具革命性的微控制器(MCU)和晶片系統(SoC)解決方案。透過市場上最先進的 Subthreshold 功耗優化技術(SPOT™)平臺,Ambiq 已經協助全球許多知名領先的品牌製造商共同發展能延長鋰電池使用時間或一次充電運行數天、數月、有時甚至數年的產品。欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪 www.ambiq.com。
Ambiq was founded in 2010 with the mission to foster a cleaner, greener, and safer environment where mobile and portable devices could either reduce or eliminate their total power consumption from the batteries. Ambiq has been laser-focused on inventing and delivering the most revolutionary microcontroller (MCU) and System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions in the market for the last ten years. Through the advanced Subthreshold Power Optimized Technology (SPOT™) platform, Ambiq has helped many leading manufacturers worldwide create products that can operate for days, months, and sometimes years with a lithium battery or a single charge. For more information, please visit www.ambiq.com.
WiBASE provides comprehensive industrial AIoT solutions, focusing on domains of transportation, law enforcement, healthcare, and fleet management. WiBASE specializes in cutting-edge technology of smart camera, edge computer, rugged industrial mobility, and wearable devices. Our mission is to address clients'business needs and co-create an intelligent world by providing reliable and high-performance AIoT products, flexible modules, and innovative platforms. As a subsidiary of Wistron Corporation, WiBASE provides state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and end-to-end services worldwide, ranging from device ODM to the Cloud.
華碩智慧物聯網(ASUS IoT)為華碩子品牌,致力於AI及IoT領域開創軟硬體整合、客製化之解決方案,矢志成為值得信賴的嵌入式解決方案供應商,盼為多元市場提供世界級的產品服務,以提供用戶最高效、方便與安全的生活和工作環境。
ASUS IoT is a sub-brand of ASUS dedicated to the creation of incredible solutions in the fields of AI and IoT. Our mission is to become a trusted provider of embedded systems and partner to the wider AIoT solutions ecosystem. ASUS IoT strives to deliver best-in-class products and services across diverse vertical markets, and to partner with customers in the development of fully integrated and rapid time-to-market applications that drive efficiency - providing convenient, efficient and secure living and working environments for people everywhere.
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