■ 活動時間: 2013年10月8日(星期二)9:00至17:00
■ 活動地點: 台北南港展覽館504會議室(台北市南港區經貿二路1號)
■ 參加方式: 免費參加(敬請攜帶名片1張報到)
■ 報名方式: 線上報名截止,開放現場報名
■ 傳真專線: +886-2-8712-0232(歡迎使用線上報名)
■ 洽詢專線: +886-2-8712-8866分機320 鄭小姐

■ 注意事項:
1. 本活動報名截止日為10月2日(三)18:00。主辦單位將視報名狀況提前或延後線上報名時間。若報名者不克參加,可指派其他人選參加並通知主辦單位。
2. 請於活動報到時間進行報到,未能準時報到之學員,本活動無法為您保留座位。
3. 現場報名學員,主辦單位視現場狀況保有開放進場與否之權利。
4. 本次活動若適逢天災(地震、颱風等)不可抗拒之因素,將延期舉辦,時間另行通知。
5. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留研討會課程及講師之變更權利。
6. 主辦單位保留報名資格之最後審核權利,並於活動前一天以電子郵件方式寄發「報到通知」,以示您的參加資格,若您未收到「報到通知」可來電詢問。

DIGITIMES 隱私權聲明│中華民國對外貿易發展協會 個資蒐集聲明

■ Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2013
■ Venue: Conference Room 504, Nangang Exhibition Hall
    (No.1, Jingmao 2nd. Road, Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
■ TEL:+886-2-8712-8866 Ext. 320 Ms. Cheng
■ FAX:+886-2-87120232

Registration Note:

1. The deadline of event registration will be 18:00, October 2nd, Wednesday. The event host may advance or postpone the online registration deadline. If enrolled participants cannot attend the event and wish to assign another candidate to participate instead, the event host should be informed prior to the event.
2. The event host reserves the right to reject enrollment applications. All confirmed online registrations will be sent a notice by email to show acceptance of registration. If customers do not receive an email notice, they should call or contact the host.
3. Please check-in on time. Registrants who fail to check-in on time or do not attend events, will not receive designated handouts or seating.
4. The event host will have the right to reject the on-site registration according to situation.
5. The event may be postponed until further notice due to natural disaster (such as earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) or other circumstances.
6. The event host reserves the right to change speakers at keynote or other sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.
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