
本活動全程以英文進行, 會場將提供同步中文口譯。
時間 議程
08:00-09:00 報到
09:00-09:10 致歡迎詞
Maxwell Lin, Director of Sales, Taiwan
09:10-10:00 以全新思維 迎接下一波產品創新
Imagination行銷執行副總裁 Tony King-Smith
10:00-10:40 IC設計啟動璀璨新世界
Siegmund Redl, VP & GM Corporate Marketing, Europe, MediaTek
10:40-11:00 上午中場休息與展示交流
11:00-11:40 電視應用SoC晶片的未來趨勢與GPU的整合需求
Keynes Chang, TV SOC Marketing and Planning Director, Realtek
11:40-12:10 物聯網技術解決方案
Suk Lee, Senior Director, Design Infrastructure Marketing Division, TSMC
12:10-12:30 開放標準與開放安全:互操作性勢在必行!
Cesare Garlati, prpl Foundation
12:30 - 13:45 午餐時間
主題: 應用 技術 解決方案
13:45-14:05 車用市場:打造自動化、豐富多媒體應用車輛

Bryce Johnstone, Senior Manager of Ecosystems
PowerVR GPU:從穿戴式裝置到伺服器──最新IP概覽

Kristof Beets,
Director of Business Development - PowerVR
Tony King-Smith, Executive Vice President Marketing
14:05-14:25 嵌入式技術:強化整合、互操作性,掌握致勝先機

John Min, Associate Director of Processor Technical Marketing

Chris Longstaff, Director of Business Development - PowerVR
Simon Forrest, Senior Marketing Manager, Connected Home
14:25-14:45 網路:啟動多網域安全革命

Volker Politz, Vice President of Segment Marketing

Mark Throndson, Director of Business Develoment - MIPS
處理器攜手FlowCloud IP:實現端到端物聯網整合與防護
Kevin McDermott,
Director of Strategic Marketing
14:45-15:05 消費性應用:防毒技術更上層樓

Simon Forrest, Senior Manager of Connectivity & Connected Home
Ensigma RPU:晶片整合通訊──物聯網關鍵利器

Richard Edgar, Director of Communications Technology
Saraj Mudigonda, Senior Business Development Manager
15:05-15:30 下午中場休息與展示交流

Peter McGuinness, Director of Multimedia Technology Marketing
Patrick Lein, PHD, Manager of M31 Fundamental IP Department
綜觀Veloce硬體模擬平台下Imagination IP的驗證
Gabriele Pulini, Veloce Production Marketing Manager Mentor Graphics
15:50-16:10 行動應用:GPU運算驅動業界新潮流

Peter McGuinness, Director of Multimedia Technology Marketing
Phil Dworsky, Director, Strategic Alliances, Synopsys
Samuel Wu, Sr. Application Engineer, Mentor Graphics
16:10-16:30 自造力:借力創客強化企業實力
Makers: Empowering Entrepreneurs with Creator
Kevin McDermott, IoT Segment Marketing
採用DesignWare HPC設計套件強化Imagination 16FF+製程PowerVR 7系列GPU,效能、功率再進化!

Phil Dworsky, Director, Strategic Alliances, Synopsys
SoC IP:開啟整合的創新可能
Volker Politz, VP Segment Marketing
Imagination Technologies
16:30 End of Day